Catholic day care center St. Ulrich

Welcome to our day care center

As the oldest daycare center in Königsbrunn, we look back on a long history with many traditions. In our facility, which was completely renovated in 2017, we taking care for between 25 and 27 children in each of the 4 kindergarten groups, in which individual integration places are also available. We have 13 places in each of the two crèche groups.


Due to our partial opening, the good spatial and personnel equipment, the learning-stimulating environment and the constant reference persons, your child can develop freely with us and develop into an independent and self-responsible personality. We would be happy to tell you more about our pedagogical concept in a personal conversation.

We look forward to meeting your child and you!


Appointments, questions about registration and general inquiries:

 Management: Frau Karin Paderi

Stellvertretende Leitung: Natascha Köhler

Tel: 08231 / 91 943 – 10
Fax: 08231 / 91 943 – 29

For sick calls of your children please directly contact your group.


Bgm.-Wohlfarth-Straße 38 a, 86343 Königsbrunn

Here you will find our pedagogical concept: Link zum PDF Dokument

Opening hours

Montag 7:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Dienstag 7:00. – 16:00 Uhr

Mittwoch 7:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Donnerstag 7:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Freitag 7:00 – 16:00 Uhr

Telefonnummern Kindergarten

08231 / 91 943 – 11

08231 / 91 943 – 12

08231 / 91 943 – 13

08231 / 91 943 – 14

Telefonnummern Krippe

Pictures of our facility

Here you will get an insight how it looks like in our daycare center. In addition to the photos, we offer a virtual tour of our facility. Click on the play button and explore our house.

Where to find us:

Bürgermeister-Wohlfarth-Straße 38A
86343 Königsbrunn

The main entrance is located at the parking lot of the Central Bus Station.
